Sideframe Padding

Side frame padding
Okay so you are out bugging for several hours and you take a quick lunch break. Upon return you feel like you are walking like John Wayne then you realise your legs are killing from the side frame of the buggy. 

Get some side frame padding. Okay you know what you need but how can you get some. You switch on the computer and begin your searching, Nothing....! Okay that's frustrating, you seen the blue stuff on new buggies or on people at the beach so how can you get hold of some. 

If you are in the US you can get yourself some 'Big Boy Noodles' (approx $9.99), no it's not some kind of Chinese dish, they are swimming pool noodles that are used as floatation aids for kids or not very strong swimmers. The reason why i suggest these is not because the brand has contact me to feature them but the fact when they are made the manufacturing process requires them to have a 1/2 inch hole down the center which is perfect for your side frame. These are perfect as they are strong, bendy and designed for the water so the water is repelled from the foam so wont get heavy.  

Measure and cut the foam to size using a bread knife, take the side frame apart using a spanner. Reach for the Vaseline and apply some to the metal frame, then slide the noodle down the metal shaft. You might need some strong force to get it around the curves in the frame depending on what model buggy you have. If you have Sharpe edges on your frame work i would suggest covering it with some duck tape to stop the metal tearing the foam inside. 

US readers look away now. I've found the best and cheapest way to cover your side frame is to pop to your local B&Q and look in the plumbing section. What you need is 'Pipelagging'

B&Q pipe lagging
It's cheap (52p) strong and very flexible. I found that i didn't need to use Vaseline to slide this over my frame work. 


Tools you will need
What you will need is, pipe lagging, tape measure and bread knife

B&Q Pipe lagging with 1/2 hole in center you can see the pipe lagging has a cut half way through the foam, you don't want to cut this if you can help it. Otherwise you will have to use cable-ties to hold it in place. 

Carefully measure
... measure your frame work. I have a Peter Lynn folding buggy so your frame work might differ. I've left half an inch each side as the frame folds away so you don't want to restrict movement. 

Take care when cutting, and take your time
... cut foam lagging with a bread knife, you can use a box cutting knife but i find the serrated knife works perfect and gives the best result. 

You need force but be careful not to tear the foam
... slide the padding up the frame work, you might need to use force. A bit of Vaseline would help do the trick or any water based lubricant. Your buggy might differ so you might have to take off the frame work to position your foam padding.

Gap left for folding buggies

Finished result
... The foam padding will have a nice snug fit, if you find that yours tends to move around the frame work, simply use some cable-ties to hold them in place. 

 ... seat in position, padding installed = comfortable longer riding time.

 I've reviewed the padding and decided that there wasn't enough on the underside of my legs. B&Q offer two sized pipe lagging, the side arms require the 1/2inch hole and the front frame (located at the front of the seat) requires the 13mm hole in the center. 

You will have to angle the ends for a snug fit
Measure and cut the foam tubing. Because the metal frame is a lot thicker than the side arms you will need to cut along half pre-cut line, again use a serrated knife for this. To get a snug fit you will have to cut the ends at an angle for a snug fit.

Make sure there are no Sharpe ends left on your cable ties
Because the foam tubing has been cut it will fall off. I suggest using some cable ties to hold in place. Position the cable ties where they will not rub against your seat strapping as it could cause wear in your seat cables.